My DEA Handler “Steve” Team Leader

Cast of Characters:

DEA Special Agent Steve, Leader of our International Team.
Agent Johnson was a natural leader with a commanding presence.

Drug Enforcement Administration special agents

Drug Enforcement Administration special agents (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He was the planner, street smart,  a no-nonsense kind of guy. He wore his gun like Dirty Harry and had a “make my day” attitude toward perps.

He is from New England, short and stocky, with blue eyes, light brown hair, and a light complexion.  Agent Steve and I hit it off well from the beginning. Perhaps because he had been a cop for such a long time, he knew I didn’t belong in this situation, but he was going to teach me something my parents never taught me. That is, you’re responsible for your actions and  you will make this right! He gave me a chance to redeem myself, and I didn’t let him down.
He also literally saved my life. If it weren’t for him, I would be six feet under. More on that in the book.  One time when he was putting on his gear and we were about to meet a suspect, I was holding my cell phone in my hand. He said, “JJ, CIs have been shot for holding their cell in that manner. If you don’t need it, keep it put away! I said, “Copy that” and immediately put it my pocket!  Before Steve left for a promotion in Washington D.C., he looked me in the eye and shook my hand and said, “JJ, you can work with me any time. If you need anything you call me. You have done excellent work for the DEA, a good job, and you got yourself out of this mess.”
I’m grateful to Agent Steve and others on the team, not just for saving my life, but for giving me mine back, for teaching me how to take responsibility and be a man.

29 Responses to My DEA Handler “Steve” Team Leader

  1. Thanks for following! This is really interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who live has been saved for real!!

    • Tim says:

      Love it JJ..You just never know who may come along and save your life, either by giving you some words of wisdom or literally saving you from a life and death situation. And thank you for liking my blog post as well. Look forward to more intriguing post !!

  2. davidtenn says:

    A few cases in our family of lives being saved with only minutes to spare but usually by the medical profession. Good work. Thanks for following Hanukah the Scribe.

  3. coyotero2112 says:

    Lives have been saved by following these bits of advice – “Never get involved in a boy and girl fight.” So full of wisdom. And, “Watch whose money you pick up.” Again, so true. Now add, “Watch how you hold your cell phone.” Thanks. It may come in handy.

  4. Lloyd says:

    You have piqued my interest. Can’t wait for more.

  5. caroness1 says:

    Bravo! Quite some tribute!

  6. tjpalumbo says:

    🏪 Will be there be more chapters in this story?

  7. For some one who has found themselves on both sides of the law in this situation I find this very intriguing.

  8. Athena Brady says:

    Thanks for the follow JJ, I am honored your blog looks fascinating well done.

  9. wisperin9shad0s says:

    At first I thought this post was a character sketch, but it’s pretty awesome when it turned first person and Johnson is a real person. Thanks for the follow. Please let me know about your book.

  10. marclevytoo says:

    always a pleasure to encounter another body out on the lunatic fringe.

  11. Shadow Girl says:

    This isn’t the point, but my curiosity is piqued … how, exactly, were you holding your cell?
    I have a close friend on the police force who put his time in in our local drug enforcement agency, and I’ve heard some messed up stories. Thank you for the work you do!
    I look forward to reading your book. I’m going to peruse your blog to find out more about it, and you.

  12. avwalters says:

    Thanks for the thumbs up on my blog, Keep up the writing, it’s looking interesting.

  13. Definitely would like to hear more, and thanks for liking my post.

  14. bigsurwriter says:

    Great hook! I want to read more!

  15. caroness1 says:

    I suggest you go to my blog and find the blog I wrote about this blog!

  16. minespotty says:

    Thanks for following and I’m curious about how you were holding the cell.

  17. Thank you for the follow. I follow back. Cool post here.

  18. Erwin A. Dence Jr. says:

    Thanks for checking out
    It looks like you’re writing teasers for a larger work. You allude to a book. My blog started out with my wanting to adapt part of something I wrote as a screenplay as a book; and then, to establish some sort of ownership on the ‘real surfers’ phrase, I started the blog. The more real surfers I write about, the more come to mind.
    Best of luck to you, Erwin

  19. lovingrose says:

    Thanks for following my blog. Great descriptions

  20. When I saw you were following my blog I was flattered. After reading a few of your posts I am honored. Good job.

  21. charts2012 says:

    Thanks for liking my blog… it’s certainly not as exciting as yours, though! I look forward to reading more. And yes… how were you holding your phone?

  22. Hi JJ – Great job! And many grazies for your frequent visits to my blog!

  23. I would like to thank you for following my little blog and also for producing such an interesting one yourself. I am looking forward to reading many more of your posts,


    The Cat

  24. mosrubn says:

    Thanks for sharing and passing by my blog too. I hope Steve knows how grateful your for his mentoring. Your article is really humbling. There are many people who come into our lives and some without really knowing how much teach us great life lessons, some even who we may never by just a word or advice at an airport, shopping mall etc. tell us something that last for a life time e.g. what Steve told you about the cellphone. God bless.

  25. kyrian777 says:

    Thanks for sharing this!

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